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Home » 2007 » July » 23 » Europeans Club Championship, Semifinal
Europeans Club Championship, Semifinal
Now for Rivne fans is above all disappointment of season appearances of the Ukrainian club in the domestic semifinal of Cup of the European champions, which on July, 21 passed in Rivne.

Organizers of race were not able to collect a competitive collective which would be in the state to control oneself on equal with the other participants of semifinal: by clubs from Russia, Latvia and Czekh. Did not help a command, which carried the name «Ukraine-Rovno», and two racing drivers of other rovenskogo collective «Hurricane» Andrey Karpov and Kyastas Puodzhuks. That the first came forward after the strong falling on training in Lodzy on the eve of race in Rovno can justify not quite effective appearance of these two racing drivers aught, and Kyastas Puodzhuks tests now serious problems with motors, that it was very evidently possible to look after not only on Saturday but also on Sunday in a league race in Poland.

"Ukraina-Rovno" (Ukraina) - [ 13 ]
1. K.Podjuks [3,1,0,0,S,] = 4
2. A.Karpov [2,1,2,1,0,] = 6
3.T.Lukashevich [0,1,0,1,0,] = 2
4. M.Mruz [0,S,S,1,S] = 1
"Mega-Lada" (Rossiya) - [ 49 ]
5. Roman Ivanov [3,3,3,3,3,] = 15
6. Danil Ivanov [2,2,3,2,3,] = 12
7. Denis Sayfutdinov [2,2,-,-,-,] = 4
8. Il'ya Bondarenko [3,2,1,2,3,] = 11
18. Emil' Sayfutdinov [-,3,2,-,2,] = 7

"AK Slany'" (CHehiya) - [ 21 ]
9. Richard Vol'f [1,3,1,1,1,] = 7
10. Martin Malek [1,0,2,0,1,] = 4
11. Hinek Stihauer [1,0,1,S,-,] = 2
12. Filip Sitera [1,0,1,3,1,2] = 8
"Lokomotiv" (Latviya) - [ 37 ]
13. Maksim Bogdanov [3,2,3,2,1,] = 11
14. Grigoriy Laguta [2,3,3,3,2,] = 13
15. Leonid Paura [P/I,2,2,3,2,] = 9
16. Vyacheslav Giruckiy [0,1,0,F,3,] = 4

1. R.Ivanov, G.Laguta, F.Sitera, M.Mruz
2. Bogdanov, D.Ivanov, Stihauer, Lukashevich
3. Bondarenko, Karpov, Vol'f , Paura P/I
4. Puodjuks D.Sayfutdinov, Malek, Girucki
5. Vol'f, D.Ivanov, Giruckiy, Mruz - S
6. R.Ivanov, Paura, Lukashevich, Malek
7. E`. Sayfutdinov, Bogdanov, Karpov, Sitera
8. Laguta ,Bondarenko, Puodjuks, Stihauer
9. Bogdanov, Malek, Bondarenko, Mruz - S
10. Laguta, E`.Sayfutdinov, Vol'f, Lukashevich.
11. R.Ivanov, Karpov, Stihauer, Giruckiy
12. D.Ivanov, Paura, Sitera, Podjuks
13. Sitera, Bondarenko, Lukashevich, Giruckiy - F
14. Paura, D.Sayfutdinov, Mruz, Stihauer - S
15. Laguta, D.Ivanov, Karpov, Malek
16. R.Ivanov, M.Bogdanov, Vol'f, Poudjuks
17. Giruckiy, E`.Sayfutdinov, Sitera, Mruz - S
18. Bondarenko, Paura, Malek, Lukashevich
19. D.Ivanov, Sitera, Bogdanov, Puodjuks - S
20. R.Ivanov, Laguta, Vol'f, Karpov.

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